Mr. Sultan Al Otaibi was newly appointed Supervisor of Pediatric Outpatient Department

Monday, August 7, 2017





Mr. Sultan Al Otaibi is the newly appointed Supervisor of Pediatric Outpatient Department of Prince Sultan Cardiac Center Qassim. His appointment was confirmed by PSCCQ Director Dr. Abdulrahman Al Mesned effective last June 10, 2017. Mr. Al Otaibi excellent record and performance in his field of work made himself deserving of his new position. He was considered to be one of the most active staff in the center.

Mr. Al-Otaibi was thankful and expressed his sincerest gratitude to the center director for trusting him to hold the said position. 

PSCCQ staff and administration congratulates Mr. Al Otaibi on his appointment and wishes him with all the best.