Regional Nursing Administration in collaboration with PSCCQ successfully held a basic ECG course

Monday, October 31, 2016





The Regional Nursing Administration of Qassim Region in collaboration with PSCCQ organized a one-day Basic ECG Training Course for nurses held yesterday, October 30, 2016 at Buraidah Central Hospital.

The said course was purposely aimed to widen the learning scope and nursing skills and basically to train and teach the nurses about Basic ECG which is no-doubt an important thing they need to know especially in their professions.

The program was also significantly filled with substantial lectures given by the resource speakers from PSCCQ headed by Ms. Ria Santiago, Ms. Julie Somera and Ms. Shazia Khaqan.

Ms. Ria Santiago, Clinical Instructor of CCU and the Acting Coordinator of Cardiovascular Nursing Diploma Programme at PSCCQ rendered a thorough lecture on Introduction to the Heart - wherein she explains The Anatomy of the Heart and Cardiac Conduction; the Normal ECG - in which she discussed how to determine heart rate and ECG interval; and she also taught the participants regarding the Junction Rhythm and Tachycardia.

Another speaker was Ms. Julie Somera, PSCCQ's Coordinator, of Nursing Case Management. She gave a vivid discussion and lecture about Sinus Mode Dysfunction, Atrial Flutter and Atrial Fibrillation. She also led the workshop on Nursing Actions in Cardiac Arrhythmias.

Ms. Shaiza Khaqan, the Coordinator of Infection Control at PSCCQ was the last resource speaker to fill in the venue with valuable and mentally enriching lectures. She gave a more understandable discussion about Premature Beats, Atrial Tachycardia and ventricular Tachyarrhythmias.

The speakers spearheaded the workshop on Simulation Performing 12 Lead ECG and nursing actions in cardiac arrhythmias.